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PEI Express Shuttle - Van

Best service, best rates since 1998


Phone toll free: 1-877-877-1771


Travel Info

We do our very best to maintain an on-time pick up schedule. A number of factors can impede our promptness, including but not limited to weather and traffic conditions, and notably the promptness of our passengers. To achieve this goal on a daily basis, we ask that customers respect the time that they are advised to be ready for pick-up. We repeat...

Passengers are required to be on time for pick ups. Please be ready for pick up by the time noted when your reservation is booked and subsequently confirmed. Our drivers may not be able to “wait” for you, and if your lateness causes you to miss the shuttle you will be charged for the fare. Please be on time!!!

Here is some other useful travel information to know.

Online Reservation Request


Passengers may bring up to two suitcases and one small purse or carry-on with them. Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate bicycles.

Travelling with small children

Parents or guardians travelling with infants or small children are required to bring a car seat for the child.

Children travelling alone

The minimum age for children travelling alone is 12 years old.

Food & Drinks

Passengers are permitted to bring food and beverages with them. Additionally, our shuttle makes a ten to fifteen minute rest stop in Oxford, NS (about the mid-way point in the trip) which affords guests the opportunity to purchase snacks to enjoy on their trip.


Pets are not permitted aboard our shuttles.

Lost Items

All personal items left aboard our shuttles are returned to our office. PEI Express Shuttle Inc., is not responsible for returning or even holding personal effects for their owners. It is up to individuals to claim their lost items promptly and at their own expense. Items that are not claimed within a two week period are donated or discarded.